Field Notes
Foraging, Urban Foraging, Foraging for Weeds, Edible Plants
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Field Notes

Japanese Knotweed aka Polygonym cuspidatum Reynoutria japonica aka Fallopia japonica   If you’ve ever tangled with Knotweed, you’ll know it can be a formidable yard and garden foe. North American  and European weed scientists are probably more terrified of this plant than any other in the Northern Hemisphere. And it’s...

Common Dog Violet (Viola riviniana)   What parts can I eat?   The entire plant is edible. Mildly flavored, the flowers and leaves can be eaten raw on sandwiches, in salads or as a garnish. On the stove, you can add them to soup as a mucilaginous thickener. They...

Bigleaf Maple Blossoms   It’s already a bit too late in the season to tap trees for making syrup (more on that in a future entry), but the bigleaf maple is still producing an edible bounty for the dinner plate. More obvious than the sap but lesser...